Saturday, June 9, 2012

Things are a changin'

Things are a changin and sometimes it just does not connect with my mind. I know that God has a plan for me and I know that He will provide. That is not what I am worried about. What I am worried about is whether I can handle everything that is thrown at me in life. The changes at home, the newness at church, the shifting of friendships, all of these had been stable, for the most part, in my life and either everything is changing or I am. It is not the easiest thing to do in life, grow up that is, but it is something we all must face. I enjoy change, don't get me wrong. I just am more of a drastic change and start fresh, not a gently, patiently changing person. I have been participating in a Bible study based on the book "Made to Crave" at my home church and it has gotten me to think. I crave planning, doing, but not really being. Most of the time God just wants us to be, to be in Him, to be for Him, to be with Him. I am not saying that God does not want us to do, He does, but we must be in Him and He in us for us to truly do and plan for Him. So while I sit here at a garage sale that all proceeds go towards this journey of mine I want to be just in Him, no more planning or doing without Him as the foremost thought.

Lord, help me to be with you, not to just do for You. Lord, help me to crave you about all else and to recognize my part in what you have put into being. I need help with the changes overwhelm me and the patience with the situation is rubbing thin. Lord, you are the one that will make this journey bearable and make it successful. Lord, I ask that you not take away the struggles and the confusion but give me the strength to overcome and the peace to recognize that I do not have all of the answers and that is okay.
With all of my love, my life, and my cravings Lord, I give them all to you.

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