Thursday, July 12, 2012

Another New Beginning

So this summer has been full of many new experiences for me and many wonderful accomplishments, but as I begin my pre-module work I realize that some new experiences are hard work and a little overwhelming. I know that in the long run that this will be completely rewarding but right now it seems daunting. I have officially finished reading my first book for class and it was great and really challenging, but I know that finishing it only means I have two more to work on for the next assignments. Well enough lamenting about homework because, to be honest, the more overwhelmed I feel with homework the more I feel a sense of purpose. 

Right now I am currently working on fundraising. Let me tell you fundraising is awesome in that you get to meet new people and experience new things and you always have a great story from it. I love how generous people can be especially when no one is looking. I had a lady just randomly give me a dollar for my trip and she did not even know my name. I know that looking at the total, 10,000, and then looking at what she gave me, a dollar, it seems insignificant, but really it isn't. Every dollar, every penny even is one closer to the total and one more for God's plan. I love it!!! 

Well, I will be trying to do better about updating now that we are officially beginning this thing!!! 
Oh, one last thing I bought my plane tickets 33hrs and 40 minutes of traveling, which includes lay overs!!! And I got a new backpack for traveling at half price!!!! God is good in the big things and the small things!!!!

Until we meet again

p.s. if you want to visit my donation site just click here:

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