Wednesday, May 16, 2012

More mountains moved and many yet to come....

Well I have officially graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education and Intercultural Studies. I have put almost all of my stuff from college away or at least in boxes until next summer. Two very important things accomplished and yet there is so much mort to do!! I have to do a lot of paper work and I am getting many things in order for while I am out of the country and yet, I still have about $14,000 to raise, which in itself is a huge mountain. Now God is providing and I see that, it is just at times, during these waiting times, it can get a bit difficult to be patient. 

 My church family is a big encouragement with the $2 challenge that we have started. Most everyone in my church took a 2 dollar bill with which, after prayer, they will do something to increase it, then pray over that money to increase it and so on and so forth. Not only are they helping to raise money for my trip but they are learning simple obedience to God and witnessing how when we give God a little He can and will make it great!!!

God is good and I know that, I am just anxious to see how He uses the faithful to do His good works. 

Until next time......

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