Monday, April 23, 2012

Alright guys, so here is the deal. God is so great, He is more amazing than anything ever!!! I know that those statements do not necessarily make sense, but man, God is so good. 

Here is a little story of God's provision.... I had been struggling to complete all of my applications and fund pages for my program. The big application that was looming over me, however, was the visa application that I was supposed to have completed in March. I attempted to apply online, but for some weird reason there was a glitch in the computer and the application itself prevented me from completing it. I looked everywhere trying to delete it and start anew. I had even taken it to my missions professor who could not figure it out either. After a long day of dwelling, I prayed and went back to the website. and BOOM! there was a delete button. So I quickly, yet thoroughly, completed it again. I even double checked some information before I entered it. At the end there it was, the button I had been longing for, the submit button. I prayed again and pressed it. My application was officially in the hands of New Zealand's immigration services. Then today, knowing that I would see two very important people in my life who would ask about it, I checked my status. ........And can you guess what I found? I found that my visa had already been approved. Three business days!!! That's it, three business days and God made it happen. 

Can anyone refute that God is good? I think not!

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