Thursday, April 19, 2012

So it begins.......

I always said that I would not blog no matter how much my brother told me it was important. But now standing on the edge of another adventure in following God's love and will around the world, I think that it is finally time. 

I am hoping that all of you who read it and know me will hear my voice as I express my emotions and share my stories every step of the way. I am sure you can imagine my hands just going as much as ever as I talk and that you can hear me stumbling over my words because I have gotten so excited that the words are literally pouring out of my mouth. For those of you who do not know me, I hope that the stories of God's grace and provision inspire you to turn control over to Him so completely. 

May my blog bless you and bring glory to God!!!

I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful blogship ;)

P.S. Stay posted for more posts and pictures!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I never wanted to read a blog,but I am excited to read your words to live your experience. I have to say as watching you grow up and with all the positive energy you have.God has a great tool in you and i am proud of you.enjoy yourself cuzz!
